Monday, December 28, 2015

14 Week Update!

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed 191.5 at the ENT doctor today. Hopefully their scale is just way off!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I've been going to be really early, and if I don't I get really sleepy! I'm tossing and turning a lot trying not to sleep on my back. I am ready for a maternity pillow!
Best moment this week: Officially being in the second trimester! Also, celebrating Christmas for the last time as a family of 2! :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Nothing really that I can think of. I think not worrying about sleeping in the wrong position would be nice, but I'm not complaining! :)
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: I've been craving sausage biscuits, but I think I got my fix after eating a few over the last week. I still want salads and after watching Get the Gringo last night I'm craving Mexican food.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I can't pinpoint anything in particular, but sometimes I'll eat something and it just doesn't taste good, but it doesn't make me sick.
Have you started to show yet: My pooch is a little bigger!
Gender prediction: No idea.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've still been pretty moody.
Looking forward to: February!!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

13 Week Update!

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed 185...I gained 5 pounds since my last appointment!
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I've been going to be really early, and if I don't I get really sleepy!
Best moment this week: Hearing the little heartbeat on the doppler at the doctor Thursday! I also skipped acupuncture today because I think the sickness is leaving!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? I had a sip of Ryan's Dr. Pepper the other morning so I feel pretty satisfied! :) I am missing my own home right now. Baby J got some Christmas presents and mommy has bought a few gender neutral things so I'm ready to have a place for baby's stuff. I am having a dresser painted soon that I will set up in HaHa's toy room to put baby's things! I can't wait!
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Still loving my Special K and I had the best salad from Central Market after my doctor appointment Thursday. Still loving a good, fresh salad!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I think the morning sickness may be ending. I hope I haven't spoken too soon! :)
Have you started to show yet: My pooch is a little bigger!
Gender prediction: For the first time I had a dream that we went in for our special ultrasound and we found out it was a boy! I am really torn.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody!
Looking forward to: February! I can't wait to find out what we're having.

Auntie Jess took some pics for us this weekend. We are so excited for 2016!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12 Week Update!

How far along? 12 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: I'll find out a more accurate number Thursday when I go back to the doctor.
Maternity clothes? Yes...still wearing my leggings and "early" maternity jeans!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has been better the last week.
Best moment this week: Not getting sick and making homemade chicken and dumplings for the first time! Gotta learn how to cook for my little family. :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? I really wanted some wine at the ugly sweater party this weekend, but I'm happy just the way I am! :)
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: I was craving blueberry muffins and Special K red berries. I made the muffins and got the cereal tonight for breakfast tomorrow!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still feeling pretty good thanks to the acupuncture!
Have you started to show yet: Just a little pooch.
Gender prediction: I'm still thinking girl, but who really knows!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was super emotional yesterday, but today was much better!
Looking forward to: My doctor appointment Thursday. I hope the doppler picks up the little heartbeat! All will be right in the world when I hear that noise. I am also getting anxious about finding out the gender. Although we aren't doing bloodwork to find out early, I should find out February 11th. I can't wait to know who is growing inside of me!

And a little humor for those who know me and my wardrobe lately...

I pretty much only wear black leggings these days and look out if they are dirty! ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

11 Week Update!

How far along? 11 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself the other day, but I can't remember how much I weighed! :)
Maternity clothes? I finally bought some maternity clothes. Most importantly, the best "early" maternity jeans. I love them! They are still a little big, but I had to get a size Med! Way to make a pregnant lady feel good! :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good. I keep waking up at 3 something in the morning and have a hard time falling back asleep. It throws me off by the time it's time to get up for work.
Best moment this week: The acupuncture appointment that saved me! My last session started wearing off this past Thursday and by Sunday I was throwing up like crazy again!
Have you told family and friends: Yes! A few more people have been told this week! :)
Miss Anything? I really want a good fountain coke, but the caffeine free coke tastes amazing!
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: I am not really craving anything in particular, just hungry all the time. I just ate 4 slices of pizza and my stomach feels like it's growling again!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really! This acupuncture is a life saver!
Have you started to show yet: Ryan told me that my stomach is looking a little bigger. A few days earlier he had said it wasn't, but he admitted that he just wanted to make me feel better.
Gender prediction: I'm still thinking girl, but who really knows!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been feeling mostly happy with a little bitchiness thrown in here and there. ;) All the important health-related decisions make me a little crazy! I just want to make the best decision for our little one!
Looking forward to: My doctor appointment next week! Who doesn't want to hear that little heartbeat? It will make me so happy! :) I'm also looking forward to our slab being poured Friday! (yay!) They have been busting their butts on our house this week and I'm really excited. I would love to be able to bring this baby home to OUR new home!

Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Week Update!

How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I really need to start weighing myself!
Maternity clothes? I wear black leggings every. single. day. I should really go shopping soon. I even started wearing my mom's old black leggings that don't fit her.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I'm sleeping great now that Ryan is home from the deer lease. I always sleep better when he's around. I have been getting up to pee quite a few times before I actually fall asleep for the night.
Best moment this week: Telling our family and friends. Everyone is so excited and there will be THREE new babies in Ryan's family in 2016. I was always so worried about our baby being left out, but I don't have to worry about that anymore!
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Family and close friends...not declaring it for the general public quite yet!
Miss Anything? Soda, tea and I've been craving beer and wine thanks to all these holiday parties!
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: I am not really craving anything in particular, but when I'm hungry for something I want it then and there. I'm currently wanting bacon wrapped tator tots covered in cheese. Thanks, uncle Don!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've only been sick from eating too much this week. After eating some heavy meals I've noticed my heart start to race. My nurse told me it's completely normal to have a higher pulse at this point. It takes more blood to digest that food and grow the baby at the same time! :)
Have you started to show yet: I really can't decide. I know this pooch isn't getting bigger from all the soda and tea I'm NOT consuming anymore! :)
Gender prediction: I'm still dreaming about the baby being a girl. I told Kellie at work today and she told me that for the past two weeks she's been having dreams about a co-worker being pregnant with a baby girl, but she didn't know who. Maybe I'm the girl in her dreams!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but feeling a little anxious. I just want our baby to be healthy and happy. I am in a little bit better of a mood because last Monday I had acupuncture to help with the nausea and vomiting and I haven't thrown up since! I've been nauseated a few times, but overall I'm feeling a lot better. I have had a little bit more energy this week, but yesterday I took a nap after our Koether Thanksgiving lunch and didn't wake up until 5PM. I guess I was tired!
Looking forward to: My next doctor appointment...because then I'll be a few days away from the second trimester and I'll feel good hearing that little heart beat again! :)

Monday, November 23, 2015

9 Week Update!

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still haven't weighed myself, but I was 180 at the dr on Thursday (11/19).
Maternity clothes? Still haven't bought anything, but I def need to invest in something other than black leggings or yoga pants. That's about all that fits these days.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great. Especially when I take my nausea meds! ;)
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat Thursday (11/19) at my first appointment with Dr. Mingea.
Have you told family and friends: Some...can't wait to tell all the family this week!
Miss Anything? My energy and feeling good. I'm also missing my hubby while he's at the deer lease!
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: I'm no longer craving salads thanks to throwing up the best salad I'd ever eaten! I'm starting to like sweets a little more. Chocolate cake and skittles specifically. Still loving these Honeycrisp apples though!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I had Mexican food for lunch and I only felt a little nauseous. I still haven't been hungry for anything greasy though.
Have you started to show yet: Nope, but maybe I look a tiny bit chubbier than normal. :)
Gender prediction: I'm starting to be more convinced that it very well may be a girl. The heartbeat was nice and strong (183) Thursday and that usually means girl. I've also had several dreams that I was giving birth to a baby girl.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but was feeling pretty yucky this weekend. I threw up Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. I took my nausea meds Thursday night and wound up sleeping until 1PM Friday. I don't think I'll be taking those again! I did feel better Friday and Saturday, but the sickness came back with a vengeance Sunday. I went to the chiropractor today and he did acupuncture on my wrists to help with the nausea. I felt a little sick this afternoon, but I haven't thrown up today. Keep your fingers crossed!
Looking forward to: Telling the rest of our family this week. I'm tired of hiding it! :)

Overall I'm feeling happy. I've been having a hard time dealing with the lack of energy. It's giving me anxiety about being a good mom, but I know this will pass. I won't have these same symptoms when the baby is here. (Ok, yes, I know I'll be tired, but at least I won't have a growing baby in my tummy sucking up all my energy!) I miss my husband when he's not around. I already feel a different kind of special bond with him and I hate being away from him. I've even cried a few times during work b/c I missed him. (I'm blaming the hormones!) We are a team and I can't wait to see him as a father. I know he will be the best daddy and I can't wait to experience it! :) Here's to hoping I can eat all the delicious Thanksgiving food later this week! :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My First Baby Update!

How far along? 8 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't weighed myself yet.
Maternity clothes? Haven't bought anything yet, but need some new pants. Mine are feeling pretty tight these days!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week: Finding out my BFF is having a baby a month after me!
Have you told family and friends: Some...we will finish telling family at Thanksgiving next weekend.
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper and my energy!
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Salads! Especially with carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, broccoli and ranch dressing. Anything healthy...including fruit. Even though I made myself sick on oranges and lemonade the week before last. I could do without the acid for a while.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mexican food and anything greasy.
Have you started to show yet: Nope, but maybe I look a tiny bit chubbier than normal. :)
Gender prediction: My gut has been telling me boy, but after starting to crave more sweets (chocolate, but nothing too sweet) this week I'm thinking maybe it's a girl!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but had a major meltdown over being so disorganized and not having the energy to do anything about it! Oh the joys of hormones!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender telling the rest of our family and friends!